bliptracker video clip

here’s a short clip of bliptracker in-use.

note that this doesn’t show the dsmi MIDI integration, only uses one of the default sample sets, doesn’t show any of the randomization functions, and there’s no theremin. i’ll post a better quality clip with some more fun stuff when i get a bit of spare time.

bliptracker download page

bliptracker – nds drum machine



click here to download BLIPTRACKER v1.0c

bliptracker is my free (and open-source) nintendo ds-based drum machine, synth and sequencer, intended for live performance.

bliptracker is stable, runs happily on most nintendo ds flash cards (tested working on R4DS and supercard), and supports custom sounds (up to four sets of six samples per ‘sample-set’).

as with any homebrew please backup your flash card before installation or use.


  • unzip to flash card. make sure the bliptracker folder unzips to the root of the card, so you have a folder called \bliptracker\samples – bliptracker.nds can go anywhere, though.
  • DLDI PATCH the BLIPTRACKER.NDS file – go HERE and look for “dldi win32 right click”
  • default sounds are provided, but can be replace by 16 bit 11kHz-32kHz mono wave files named bd.wav, sn.wav, hh.wav, xx.wav, yy.wav, zz.wav. keep samples small for best performance.
  • operating instructions are on top screen. basic instructions: select and start are stop/start, use the bottom screen to fire beats manually and directional pad and buttons to control sequencer.

made with and developer tools. Source code (GPL) – requires devkitpro r20, libdsmi, most recent palib + some minor tweaks to get it to compile against r20 (check the palib formums or mail me).

known issues: tempo doesn’t stay synced – need to disconnect audio from video refresh | tap tempo is a bit weird | max. 15 files in file dialogs | bad wav files can crash bliptracker