‘avocado’, ‘floaty’ js effects demo

i’ve uploaded a quick demo of some of the free js effects i’ve built for reaper (linked here, click for more info)


this is just a quick guitar improvisation, played into two instances of floaty and one of avocado, streamed live to disk – no offline edits or effects except for a limiter were added to this.

update: i’ve just updated all of the effects, here’s a demo of avocado tempo sync’ed to some drums:


more js effects for reaper – ‘avocado’ and ‘floaty’

i’ve been mucking about making some effects using reaper’s js effect engine, and i’m happy enough with the results now to release them.

there are three effects in here:

  • floaty – modulated delay inspired by mda’s dubdelay, but with lots of extra craziness
  • avocado – powerful glitch engine, with a ducker built in so it won’t stomp all over your tracks
  • tonegate (previously released) – triggered tone generator

click here to download all three effects:

and yeah, i’ll get back onto the dsmcu/bliptracker ds stuff soon. as soon as i can find where both of my ds’s have gone…

edit: audio demo of these here